Newsletter #8 - Book Fair and a Surprise

Hello and Happy Autumn from cool, crisp Washington, DC,

More about why I’m here in a moment.

But first, mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 2 at 9:30am. That’s when you can hit this link to watch my appearance at the 2020 (Virtual) Detroit Jewish Book Fair. I’ll be talking about the Task Force Epsilon series, writing about a Muslim-American hero, the themes of the books and other topics, with time for Q&A. Please tune in.

I’ve been spending these Covid limited-activity days working on the series. I just finished proofreading book two, BLOWBACK, and it’s now in the hands of the Kensington production department. BLOWBACK is available for pre-order, and will be delivered on February 23. This will be my second Covid book launch, so please help spread the word. More about BLOWBACK on my updated website.

Here is the final cover:


Steve Berry says “Don't wait. Check it out. Now.” Jon Land calls BLOWBACK “blistering and bracing.” John Gilstrap warns it’s “one helluva ride.”


And...and...and I’m really pleased to announce that I finished the first draft of book three, which is now officially called...




for publication in the spring of 2022. More about SHOCK WAVE next year.

I’m very happy with the arc of the series. Each book stands alone, but the full impact of the story works best as SANDBLAST-BLOWBACK-SHOCK WAVE. I hope you have a chance to read them all.


Finally, if you’re wondering why I drove two days from Florida to Washington, DC, it wasn’t for the fall colors. It was for this —->

Meet Ezra, my first grandchild, born on 11-11-2020. Ez and his parents are doing great. And isn’t he just the cutest thing ever! I may become a regular on I-95.

Thanks for reading. Stay well. And please tune in to the book fair event on December 2.

Wishing you all happy and safe holidays,
